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A growing number of Christians believe that the Bible says the Earth is flat. This video examines several of flat Earth Christians'  "proof texts" for this belief: Psalm 136:6, Isaiah 34:4, Isaiah 40:22, Isaiah 42:5, Isaiah 44:24, Hebrews 1:10-12, Revelation 6:13 and Job 38:13-14. Do these Bible passages really say that God stretched out a flat Earth, covered it with a tent-like sky, and will someday roll up both of them like a piece of parchment or cloth? This video also examines some important Hebrew words in these verses, and discusses whether the Bible's use of the phrase "ends of the Earth" is literal or figurative. 

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Did God stretch out a flat Earth and cover it with a tent-like sky? 

Psalm 136:6, Isaiah 34:4, Isaiah 40:22, Isaiah 42:5,

Isaiah 44:24, Hebrews 1:10-12,

Revelation 6:13 and Job 38:13-14